Wednesday, June 29, 2005

what is a "guildo"?

You've heard me talk about the Guild, in one post or another on here. Those of you who are just stumbling across my blog may wonder, "What the hell is the Guild?" Well, simply put, it is the theatre group at Bishop DuBourg highschool that puts on 3 productions a year. (And a "Guildo" is one who is, or ever was, a part of the Guild.) And now, that encompasses the Guild Summer Alumni Theatre Group, of which I am a part. But more than that...

It is years of memories--both happy and sad--onstage, backstage, behind the scenes, or starring. Friends are made and bonds are formed with people who really know, understand, and appreciate the word "Guildo" and all that it encompasses...

It is a tie that can never be broken, no matter where you go or what you do in life. You will always remember your days there, and should you visit again, a flood of memories will hit you like a brick wall as soon as you set foot in the old theatre...

It is goosebumps and chills when you experience your first standing ovation. That is a reaction that will stick with you through any other ovation you experience, whether it be on the receiving or giving end...

It is love, sadness, joy, blood, sweat, tears, anxiety, and any other feeling one can think of. Standing on that stage, you're a whole world away from reality, and every range of emotion flows through you like nothing else...

It is the smell of old paint, musty costumes, and sawdust. Flats propped against the walls bear scribblings of Guildos who have left their mark, and the ghost light burns in waiting for the next production...

It is secrets, inside jokes, and swapped stories. Seems like whatever is said within those four walls gets trapped and stays within those four walls...

It is dreams, motivation, support, and encouragement. If you've got the drive and the dedication, you're made to be a star in your own right. You are surrounded by support and encouragement; just when you thought you've given all you had to give, you reach down deep and find there's more--"keep going", "you can do it", "give it more", "BUST YOUR BUNS".

It is the spirits of all Guildos who have come and gone, every person who has ever walked across that stage or been in the light booth. Every single person is made to feel important and really needed.

All in all, when it comes down to it, the Guild is a FAMILY. And I am proud to say I am a Guildo. I am part of the Guild family, and I couldn't be happier.

Bust your buns in "42nd Street", everyone. Here's to a great show.


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