"the show is closing..."
*sigh* After a (successful) four-day run, the Guild Summer Alumni Theatre's presentation of "42nd Street" has closed. It was great to be back "home" again on that old DB stage--that's where it all really started for me. This was such a neat show, and any drama aside, I had a blast with this group of people, this family. Old friendships were rejuvenated, and foundations for new friendships were laid and built upon. Some people returned from last year's inaugural season production of Pippin, while many more were new additions to the group.
There were just so many really neat people in it; it's amazing. Molly--a 22 year old I was friends w/ in highschool--landed the role of Peggy Sawyer and did a fantabulous job. Joe--a 17-year-old senior at DB this year--was in the male chorus and scored a few bit parts; he was a jock for 3 years then decided to take a stab at theatre. His bio even states, "The stage is where I belong and I'll never look back." Ann--who choreographed for "Pippin" last year--was a dancer and has become a very good friend of mine. Just so many to name and yet not enough room!
Mom helped out w/ costumes this year, and I could tell she had a blast. She made yellow scarves for everyone in the cast--Peggy has a lucky yellow scarf in the show--and we all wore them onstage during curtain call last night. Mom was choked up, nearly in tears. And of course I bawled--sad it's over and I always think of grandpa on Sunday performances since grandma is there. (Grandpa, yesterday was for you; I hope I made you proud.)...
I believe--but don't quote me on this one--that we were sold out 3 of the 4 nights; we were over-sold on one or two occasions, and maybe close to sold out the 3rd. Mr. L made the comment that, when you teach a baby to walk, it may take the first step okay but you have to keep pushing and helping it with the 2nd step until it can walk on its own. He said the S.A.T. works the same way: we made our first step with "Pippin" last year, and while shaky, we've made our 2nd step this year with "42nd Street". Hopefully next year's step will be stronger and more sure, but that's something we're all going to have to work on together. Dustin told me yesterday after the show that he heard an elderly woman say this was "the best show" she's "seen in a long time", and that it "looked like so much fun." Those are the comments and attitudes that are going to keep this 'experiment' going for years to come.
One of the coolest things EVER happened this weekend during the show as well. In a recent post, I congratulated DB alumni Norbert Leo Butz for winning the Tony award for best leading actor in a musical. On Saturday, Mr. L 'surprised' (word travels fast in the green room ;) us by announcing at intermission that Norb was at the show that night with his daughter, mom & dad, brother & nephew. How cool is that? Performing in front of a freakin' TONY AWARD WINNER!!! It was so very cool of him to come see the show; he even took the time to 'tour' the new green room, dressing area, and costume storage, PLUS he was gracious enough to pose for pictures and sign autographs. True, he's a regular guy, but it's so fantabulous that he's made it like he has. I mean, it's someone totally relatable--growing up in south St. Louis, graduating from the same highschool, having the same passion for theatre as many of us "Guildos" do...and he's made it. I don't even know the man personally, but I have much respect for him.
All in all, the run of the show was good (though at some points shaky) and I really am going to miss everyone.
I am sooo sad that it is over. We really need to have some SAT reunions throughout the year. I would go to hear Denise's band, but you gotta be 21. I am thinking we need a night around the piano since we did not have one this year!
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