Monday, August 08, 2005


I just have to blog this: I finally got my tattoo done yesterday! I've wanted one for a long time, and I finally worked up the guts to do it. Surprisingly, I handled it a LOT better than I figured I would; I'm not going to lie, though, it HURT. Some places weren't as bad as I thought they would be, but there were some spots where it was like, "Ok, get this done with already..."

So what is it? The comedy and tragedy masks (of course) on my lower back, with a rose going through them and a few gold stars around them. It's really pretty, and it's something that I won't regret bc it represents something that is near and dear to my heart, and means a lot to me. I can't wait until it's completely healed, though, so I can show off the FINISHED product!
(Dustin got his done yesterday, too: what else? A Yankees symbol--the top hat and bat inside the baseball--on his left pec.)


At 8/8/05 2:29 PM, Blogger ~stacey~ said...

yea, i’ve found that it’s VERY hard to put the antibiotic stuff on it by myself--i have to act like a contortionist to reach it! Plus i’m a little nervous about the first time i have to wash it--i’m kinda squeamish about that kind of stuff. weird, huh?

At 9/8/05 12:58 AM, Blogger alli said...

Yay! You are braver than I will ever be! I can get piercings out the wazoo and never feel a thing, blood drawn and shots given with no problem, but tatoos are another story. I would love one, just a little one, but I don't think that I could handle it! I will stick to coloring myself with sharpies, and the temporary tatoos! Can't wait to see it!


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