two left feet
Rehearsals are getting frustrating: I'm feeling like a two-left footed dancer for whatever reason, people are still on book for lines and songs (INCLUDING the leads...and including yours truly, but only for a few songs that I got placed on stage for), we have not completely run through the show one time yet, the 2nd act is better than the 1st act, we have to keep stopping--I'd say every 5 measures or so--while TRYING to run through the songs either because we've screwed up, or the pianist is screwing up, and everything has been blocked WAY too big in comparison to how little our stage is going to be.
Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun, and I do have confidence that--somehow--everything will come together and gel and be fine by opening night. But we open A WEEK FROM TOMORROW and we're in this kind of shape. So it's fair to say I'm more than a little concerned.
Personally, for me, I'm going to have to listen to the CD nonstop this weekend, run over the dances about a thousand times a night until my legs are about to fall off, and bury my nose in the book and musical score until I know every line of every song I sing. I've never been this clueless in a show before, so I don't know why all of the sudden I am. I just feel lost sometimes at rehearsals; I guess because I'm not used to feeling pressure during a show. I mean, I AM used to feeling pressure, but I guess I should say I'm not used to rehearsing for only 6 weeks and then opening. I'm sure it will come together, and it's going to be a fabulous show that I'm sure all of you will really enjoy. Just wish us luck to get our acts together...and FAST!
good luck! I will be there. I have seen it worse one week before a show ( the crucible last year~ no one knew their lines)
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