Friday, January 06, 2006

"Jellicle Cats come out tonight...." (or in June...)

The following is an excerpt from an email Mr. L sent out today:

"As for the choice of show, we are going to do CATS...The show was just released for non-professional production, so drawing an audience should be something easily done...But obviously, the show is a BEAR!!!!!!--in acting, singing, movement, costume, make-up, set, props--you name it. So we will be getting started early...etc."

WOW. That's all I can think to say. WOW. What an undertaking for our small humble group, but what a learning experience it will definitely be...

I can't wait!!!


At 6/1/06 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, btw Stacey? The show will be CATS. There. Now you know. But shhh! It's a secret. ;-P

At 6/1/06 10:48 PM, Blogger DisneyParkFan said...

Somebody let the CATS out of the bag.
Stacey are you excited? I know I am excited! Thanks for the call. Sorry I didn't call back but I know I will talk with you soon.

At 8/1/06 3:06 PM, Blogger ~stacey~ said...

yea, to be honest: i knew all along, too. not telling who i heard it from, though! muah ha ha! i think it's a fabulous ensemble show, and i can not WAIT until march!!!!!

At 10/1/06 12:00 AM, Blogger alli said...

Why did I not hear anything about this from Leibrecht? I had to hear about it from Stacey!

Oh, well. I have to confess that it is my all time least favorite show, and when I first heard, I was kinda mad... but, I do think we can do this show well as a group, and that it will be a great production.
I am just not ready to have those tunes stuck in my head.


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