Tuesday, February 14, 2006



This is a picture of a billboard that is positioned along several major highways in the St. Louis area. Apparently, a group called Focus on the Family has erected these billboards due to their belief that homosexuality is both "preventable" and "treatable".

I'm sorry, but homosexuality is not an illness, it's not a disease, nor something that can be "cured". At least that's what I believe.

And, you could totally read this billboard in a different context: "I questioned homosexuality. (And became curious, and tried it, and liked it.) Change is possible. (I am now a homosexual.)
All in the eyes of the beholder, I suppose.

Anyone else have comments on this?


At 14/2/06 2:20 PM, Blogger ~stacey~ said...

Amen. I agree with you. I can't see how people can say homosexuality is a "disease", or that it can be "prevented / cured". Personally, I think it's people like that who make this society less tolerable and accepting of people who are "different" than what is considered the "norm".

With the choice thing, when talking to Greg (Joie's roommate) one night, I mentioned about how accepting Dustin has become of homosexuals since he and I first started dating. We're talking about a farm boy (sorry honey!) who had never been "exposed" to gay people. I said something to Greg along the lines of, "It's the person's choice." He actually disagreed with me, "If I had a choice I wouldn't choose to live this way." So I agree that the sexual orientation is hardwired to a certain extent.

Excellent comments, as always. And I personally can't believe that St. Louis, a city that I (for the most part) thought to be accepting, would allow those billboards to go up. But I guess what can I do about it?


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