this should have been on myspace, but their blog SUCKS
1. What is one thing you really like about yourself? Why?
My open mind and accepting, "people person" nature. I think they are super important traits in this world, and it makes my life a lot more pleasant and interesting.
2. If you could commit any crime without experiencing consequences, what would it be? (the only rule is that this can not be a crime of stealing/robbery)
I'd stow away on a boat or plane and travel to a foreign country so I could experience life in their culture.
3. What is your favorite season, and why?
I'd have to say spring or summer, mostly because I hate being cold, and I love to spend time outdoors. Looking up at the stars is so much more appealing on a nice summer or spring night as opposed to a cold, frigid winter night.
4. What are your top three obsessions?
At the moment: colorful toenails, Diet Coke, and "Cats" rehearsals.
5. If you could add one thing to your personality what would it be?
Although I am a people person, I'd like to be a bit more trusting. I was more apt to easily trust people in the past, but past burns have kinda spoiled that for me, and it's crappy baggage I still carry around. Unfortunately.
6. If you had to be in prison for life, and could only have five items in your cell, what would you choose to have?
A cell phone, a computer with internet access, my pink stuffed frog, good food, and soft toilet paper.
7. If the THOUGHT POLICE were storming your front door, and you could only hide away five memories before they confiscated all of your memories, what five memories would you hide ?(These are in no particular order...)
(a) My brother and I growing up together, and all that we've done.
(b) My wedding and all that went along with it: the stress of planning; dancing with my father, little brother, and cousin who is mentally handicapped; partying with everyone; and having all my family and friends together in the same place at one time.
(c) Performing in front of Tony award winner Norbert Leo Butz last summer, and getting to meet and chat with him after the show.
(d) Grouping these together, but the memories I have of my grandfather, great aunt Annie, and grandmother, who have all passed on.
(e) Going to NYC for the first time.
8. What web site is your most guilty pleasure?
9. If you had to choose any mental illness, which would you choose?
I think I would have to pass on that choice.
10. If you had any magical power, what would you choose?
Mind reading capabilities
11. If you could be granted three wishes what would you wish?
Unlimited bank roll for my parents and brother, more opportunities for underpriveleged people to get good educations, and a completely paid for home for my husband and me. (Hey, I had to be a bit selfish!)
12. What living person do you have a lot of admiration for? Why?
My grandmother B. has been through a lot, is aging more quickly than I ever thought possible, and yet manages to live her life to the fullest every single day. This woman was so strong when she lost her husband, and although not a day goes by that she doesn't think about him, she knows she still has a life to live, and that he would want her to do that. And that's just what she does. Goes, goes, and goes...
13. If I could wave a magic wand, and grant you any new career immediately, what would you choose?
Medical Assistant
14 If you had to choose between being unable to hear or see, which would you choose? why?I'd rather not be able to hear. I already know sign language, and I can read lips pretty well, so I think I'd fare better that way.
15. If you had to choose three people outside of your relationship with whom to have sex, who would you choose?(Rule: you may use an alias for this person, but if you use an alias, you must state the reason why you would choose this person)
Johnny Depp, Albert Pujols, and Colin Farrell (guilty pleasures ;)
16. If you could free one person from prison, who would you choose?
An innocent person who has been imprisoned because of a wrongful accusation and unfair / incomplete trial.
17. List one thing from history that you think is amazing.
The days when people entertained themselves without the aid of video games, internet, computer, DVD players, etc. I guess the aspect of going out to live theatre, spending time with family and friends, making up ways to be entertained, are so much more appealing to me than the high tech stuff of today. Life must have been so much simpler, from an entertainment perspective, then.
18. If you had to choose to take on illegal drug what would you choose.
Although I won't ever actually do it, I've always wanted to try 'Shrooms.
19. If a worker treated you in a rotten, awful, horribly nasty way and then laughed at you, and if by complaining, you could get that person fired, would you do it?
Definitely. I'm vengeful sometimes. Laughing at me after treating me like sh*t is like kicking me when I'm down, so I'd feel like they got what they deserved. (Does that make me a horrible person??) Plus, this year's been pretty crappy in terms of job stuff, so I'm kinda sour.
20. What trait do you most admire in a person?
A good sense of humor, along with compassion.
21. What trait do you most dislike in a person?
22. What do you think about this poll?
It was more self-examining than: "What is ur fave color?".
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