Friday, July 28, 2006

random facts about yours truly

Here is something "exciting" for y'all: some possibly little known facts about myself--just what you all wanted to know, right? It's laundry night and I'm bored, plus this will keep my mind off of more pressing matters. Enjoy!

--I am obsessive compulsive about counting anything I can, but I always have to end on an odd number.
--I know sign language.

--My degree is an Associate in Arts, focus in theatre, from St. Louis Community College at Meramec.
--My first car was a 2-door, gold, 1983 Dodge Omni.
--My husband and I met in October of 2000 while cruising Lindbergh. (Now there's a story for the grandchildren...)
--I am terrified of clowns.
--I am also scared of boats--especially canoes.
--I am allergic to Spanish peanuts.
--One of my dreams is to open a Coyote Ugly bar here in St. Louis.
--I am double jointed.
--Gerbera Daisies are my favorite type of flower...

...but I am not a girlie-girl.
--My belly button is slightly off-center.
--Shopping makes me feel anxious and claustrophobic.
--Although I don't know too much about them, I LOVE classic cars.

--I am SUPER competitive--which is why I generally don't like to play video games.
--The smell of cigars makes me nauseous, but I like the smell of pipes.
--At 25, I still don't have my ears pierced.
--German was my foreign language of choice--for 4 years--in highschool.
--I can juggle.
--If I could go everywhere barefoot, I would; I hate shoes and especially socks.
--Certain bugs freak me out--centipedes, bees, wasps, some spiders, and cockroaches...
...but I can't kill them myself. (That's what hubbies are for!)
--Rain causes me to drive like a little old lady.

--I sleep with a neon pink stuffed frog Dustin gave me about 5 years ago.


At 21/10/06 12:48 AM, Blogger ~stacey~ said...

I think my husband got mine at a gas station, to be honest. LOL OR Wal Mart.


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