Monday, April 30, 2007

Cards Game the RIGHT Way...

1. Leave at 6:10 p.m. to head downtown and enjoy Cards / Cubs game w/ 3 of your girlfriends.
2. Enjoy each other's company, watch a little bit of the game, and gossip. Begin drinking immediately.
3. Starting in the 8th inning, walk aimlessly around Busch Stadium, getting kicked out of every standing area because "You can't stand there, ladies."
4. Receive phone call from husband asking if the game is over yet. Tell him your boyfriend Scott Spiezio is up to bat, and that you'll call after the game.
5. Sneak down to field level, behind Cubs dugout, to find friend's husband.
6. Stop to chat with another friend you run into while down at field level.
7. Exit the Stadium and begin the short walk to Paddy O's.
8. Drink and dance.
9. Exit Paddy O's and begin the short walk to Hrbosky's.
10. Drink and dance. Laugh at girl passed out on toilet in stall.
11. Exit Hrbosky's and begin the not-so-short walk to Mike Shannon's. Hear announcement that "Anthony Reyes is tending bar!" and don't believe it.
12. Drink and dance. Find out that Reyes is, indeed, tending bar, and let jaw hit the floor.
13. Tour Mike Shannon's VIP areas & take crappy camera phone pictures, thanks to friend's friend, the nice police officer.
14. Drink and dance some more. Realize Reyes has a new friend helping him tend bar...Josh Hancock. Let jaw hit floor yet again. Drool, if you so desire. Laugh at way too desperate girls lunging across bar to get a piece of the boys.
15. Get ride from nice police officer to car, while at the same time receiving angry phone call from husband: "Where the fuck are you???"

Oops. :)

P.S. The hubby isn't mad anymore--I can understand his point, considering he went to bed at 10:30, then woke up at 2 a.m. to find that I wasn't in bed, nor had he heard from me since 9:15. Sorry honey!!! Love You! :)


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