Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm Such a Bitch...

Wow, I haven't posted in quite some time. And I return with a vengeance, nonetheless...

What is the big deal about sushi??? Is it supposed to be like the "cool people" food or something? People, sushi = raw fish. Raw = not cooked, which I personally take to = NOT GOOD. Not good for you, furthermore. Yuck. I don't know why I have this personal vendetta against sushi, but I just don't see how anyone can stomach it. *shivers*

YOU, sir, can go to hell. We're supposed to be such great friends, yet you seem to have been snubbing me for the past several months. Yea, that's how long it's been since we've actually talked. Sure, I "chatted" with you on the phone one night, but I felt like I was pulling teeth to get any kind of conversation out of you, so I gave up. Grow some balls; if you're going to be my friend, then fucking act like it. If not, just tell me. And then get bent.

And YOU, sir, need to fucking grow up. When you are in my home, you treat me with respect. I don't care if I'm only a few years older than you; you are a GUEST in MY HOME, and you shall act like such. I don't care how "cute" or "funny" you think you're being, you do NOT under any circumstances speak to me in the manner with which you currently do. I don't appreciate it, and I'm NOT going to tolerate it for very much longer.


At 12/4/07 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, a new post! :) I don't like sushi, either. I've tried it a few times now and have had to seriously control my gag reflex. Now when friends ask me to go out for sushi, I'll go with them, but let them know ahead of time I like my food COOKED.


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