Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I bet a title like THAT fooled ya! For anyone in need of a good laugh today, here's a little story...

So, as I've said before, I had two wisdom teeth extracted a couple of weeks ago. They, of course, put me under general anesthetic--which I was really nervous about at first, but now I'm glad I went that route. My mom tells me that apparently I was pretty entertaining as I was coming out of the anesthesia: I was white as a ghost, but sitting up in the recovery room, grinning from ear to ear, and every once in a while I would just giggle.

I do remember much of what happened before (and after, surprisingly enough) I went out. I know I asked the surgeon if I could chicken out, and he told me I could if I really wanted, but of course I didn't. The last thing I remember before I went under was the mask going over my nose...then I was waking up in the recovery room and it was over.

When I woke up in the recovery room, I felt really silly--drunk or (as much as I hate to admit this) high, even. I remember mumbling to the nurse about how much I liked the "dinosaurs on the ceiling...the dancing brontosauruses"...only there weren't REALLY dinosaurs on the ceiling--of any kind, picture or otherwise. I also asked her "where are the rowboats and the pudding". Yea, she had NO clue what I was talking about.

Becker had told me he wrote random thoughts after his wisdom tooth extraction, so I decided to do the same. I asked mom for some paper and a pen once we got in the car, and I wrote down thoughts as they came to me. I wondered how they got me into the recovery room, if they carried me? I mused how the "old dentist" put a rubber block in my mouth so I "wouldn't bite his hand off". While writing notes to Dustin in order to effectively communicate, he wrote notes back to me. At one point I got frustrated and wrote back to him, "Why the f*ck are you writing??? You can TALK, ya moron!" And apparently when we stopped at the grocery store, I told my mom I wanted Neopolitan ice cream...which I don't even LIKE.

The after anesthesia / novacaine WAS NOT quite as fun, however. And of course I had to be my father's stubborn daughter and refuse the pain meds until Friday night when I finally relented so I could sleep w/out pain. But all in all, I survived.
Chuckle-worthy? Yay or nay?


At 10/1/08 10:44 AM, Blogger Joan said...

Heheh, yes, definitely chuckle-worthy. Certainly better than my wisdom teeth extraction experience. I had read an article not long before about people "waking up" from anaesthesia during surgery while they were still immobilized, and feeling everything the doctors were doing without being able to cry out or otherwise indicate it. I started coming out of the anaesthesia exactly when I was supposed to, but the oral surgeon was still finishing up - tying off stitches or packing gauze, maybe? I dunno, but I freaked out, thinking what I had read was happening to me. I started crying and (I guess) moving around, though I didn't realize it, and they had to stop and calm me down before they could finish. So glad they took all 4 so I don't have to do it again!

At 10/1/08 11:10 AM, Blogger alli said...

I got mine taken out on my 18th birthday :( (My mom scheduled it). I remember waking up and asking them to change the music to the "broadway station", but I had so much gauze in my mouth I doubt they understood me. When I got home, I slept for a while, but I was determined to go do something for my birthday that didn't involve eating. I went upstairs and whipped out the curling iron, but was soo drugged up that I dropped it on my leg, and it took me a few seconds to realize that I had to move it. I still have a scar.

At 12/1/08 4:14 PM, Blogger ~stacey~ said...

Oh wow, ladies! Those are some experiences, definitely! Maybe I should have had them take out ALL 4 while I was in there...hmmm...
Well, hopefully these other 2 won't give me any problems for a VERY LONG TIME!!!


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