Monday, April 28, 2008

A Week in Review...

4/21 - Set painting at DB for the highschool kids' production of "Honk!", which ran April 24-27. Finished cattails, started & completed nest.

4/22 - More set painting at DB. Started & completed barn.

4/23 - Banking on the way home from work.
And then, a night in. *sigh*

4/24 - Pedi / eyebrow wax / Chinese food night w/ Mindy & Teri. We'd been working hard on sets and had an upcoming event. We deserved the girls' night, damnit! :-)
Comic Shop to help J out. Always nice to chat and catch up. And go through comics, of course. I'm such a nerd.
To the 24 hour lobby post office to mail some items / bills.

4/25 - DB Guild production of "Honk!". As per usual, show MUCH different from dress rehearsal nights I'd caught snippets of. Kids all did a great job; I really enjoyed the show! (The sets looked pretty good, too. ;-) What can I say? I'm proud!) Managed to drop and break my phone, also. Grr.
Dinner at Denny's (at 10:30 at night - how healthy.) w/ Jeremy. Damn near blew out a tire hitting a pothole neither of us saw. That would have been good, huh?

4/26 - Up at 9 to go to Cingular - who were NO HELP! "Call this 800 number - they handle all the repair / replace requests." A store FULL OF PHONES and you can't take my info, charge me a quick $50 or whatever, and give me a new phone?? It is being held together by a HAIR RUBBERBAND!!! Nice they didn't tell me the 800 number place is CLOSED on Saturdays. Ghetto-rigged phone until sometime next week, it seems...
Other errands - purchase gift wrap, cards, etc.
Hair cut. Too short. 3-4 inches does NOT equal "just the dead ends". Unless maybe it had been THAT LONG since a haircut...hmm...
Molly & Andy's wedding = LOVELY. Beautiful. Reception was a lot of fun. Danced a lot. Drank a lot. Loved my friends even more than I already do. (That tends to happen when alcohol and love are in the air...) I even "Bootscootin' Boogie"-d. Yes. I just said that. It had been a while, and the Country Gal at Heart had to come out...
Ditched Jeremy's bar idea to instead go home and SLEEP. (Sorry, dear!)

4/27 - Up too early bc of hangover. And neighbors NOISILY moving out. Owie. No respect for the hungover Stacey, apparently.
Organized photos on computer (and disks, etc.) and moved to flash drive. Uploaded and emailed photos from the wedding.
Grocery shopped.
Spent the rest of the evening having a lovely evening w/ the hubby. Quick dinner, and a "House" marathon, then to bed entirely too late for a work night.

This coming week is NOT going to be any lighter of a load, either. So if I've been short or out of touch, please understand why! :-)


At 28/4/08 3:50 PM, Blogger Joan said...

I didn't realize you'd been on the set painting crew - they looked beauteous! See ya tomorrow. :)

At 1/5/08 9:07 AM, Blogger ~stacey~ said...

Teri, Mindy, Leibrecht & I pretty much WERE the set painting crew. But I enjoyed it, and thanks for the compliment!!
I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!!


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