Thursday, June 12, 2008

Car naps, bread, toe jams, "Wicked", and cheesecake.

Car naps = NIIIIICE. Having gone to bed at or after midnight every night for the past 2 weeks, they are an excellent way to (temporarily) get a bit of spring back into my step. The gals at work tease me endlessly about this little quirk of mine, but I recently found out I'm not the only one who indulges in lunch time car naps. (Hop on over to Joan's blog and you'll see what I mean.) Rehearsals (every night this week!) and other commitments, plus crazaziness at work have me per usual. I highly recommend the joy of a car nap to anyone who doesn't have any other time to nap. :-)

Bread = basis of the show, and also the title of the song I can NOT GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! It's a quirky-ish song wherein all the villagers sing about (what else?) bread. And how happy they are that they have it once again. To see a bunch of DB graduates acting like people who practically orgasm over bread, come see "The Baker's Wife". It runs Wednesday through Saturday, June 18-21, at Bishop DuBourg Highschool. Doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for high school students, and $8 for children 12 and under. Call 314-783-4477 to reserve your tickets. (Also, watch for some of my castmates on the window of Show Me St. Louis June 16!)

Toe jams = painful because character shoes are instruments of torture! There is a lot, and I mean a LOT, of standing in this show. Not dancing. STANDING. Dancing in painful shoes, I can handle because at least my focus is elsewhere. But standing? All I can do is focus on the fact that my poor little toes feel swollen to 5 times their normal size. *sigh* But suffer for your art, right?

Wicked = one of the OTHER shows composed by Stephen Schwartz. For the record, he also did Pippin, Godspell, and Disney's Enchanted. So what's the point? He ALSO did The Baker's Wife. Did I mention it's playing next week, Wednesday through Saturday, at Bishop DuBourg Highschool? If you missed the bold, underlined, italicized, RED print above, scroll back up and take a gander. And memorize the information. And call the hotline to reserve your tickets. You will be quizzed on this... (Yes. I AM plugging that much.)

Cheesecake = nothing at all to do with this post. It just sounds good right now...


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