Pink, pink, everywhere!
Today was my "niece" Aubrie's 1st Birthday Party...she turned 1 year old on June 26, and I can't believe time has flown that quickly! I can remember listening to my voicemail at work and hearing, "Hi, Aunt Stacey...Aubrie Caroline was born after midnight..."
And now she's 1. WOW. She was SOO good, even after getting passed continuously from person to person to person. She was a little frightened of Dustin and would tear up if he looked at her too long - we couldn't tell if it was the goatee or the baseball cap. It was slightly amusing, but I could tell he felt bad and had hoped she'd eventually warm up to him. In time, maybe. ha ha
Seeing as I haven't colorblogged in a LONG time, I figured Aubrie's birthday party was the perfect way to "kill 2 birds with 1 stone", so to speak. There was pink wrapping paper, pink on the cake, pink dresses, SO MUCH PINK! Aubrie seemed to enjoy unwrapping her gifts, but eventually had had enough. Not to mention, she seemed more interested in the paper than the actual gifts!
She got her very own piece of birthday cake, and managed to NOT get as messy as we'd all suspected she would...
All in all, it was a really fun day - the weather cooperated, and I'm sure Denise was happy with the turnout - both number of guests, and the how the party itself turned out.
So happy birthday to Aubrie!! I just absolutely love that little girl!
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