Friday, June 13, 2008

Not right

Did anyone else read or hear about this?

A school in California was visited by highway patrol officers to announce to 20classrooms that several students, their classmates, had been killed in car accidents over the weekend. "A few hours and many tears later, the pain turned to fury when the teenagers learned that it was all a hoax -- a scared-straight exercise designed by school officials to dramatize the consequences of drinking and driving."

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. I'm all for scare tactics, and driving home important points to teenagers. But that's something you just don't joke about. Scare tactic or not.

I lost a very dear friend to cancer when he was 14 - I was 15, and granted, the circumstances were different. My brother lost a friend, someone he grew up with, when she was 17. And just last year, my sister-in-law lost HER best friend...she was 16 and killed in a car accident. I know how it feels, both first and second hand, to lose someone so young in such a tragic manner.

Can you imagine how those teenagers felt? They were told classmates, friends, were killed. Gone. Only to find out hours later, "Ha ha! We tricked you! Did you learn your lesson?" I would be PISSED OFF. It angers me just reading this story! If you want to "scare someone straight", find a better way to do it than using death as your "prop".


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