Back to the color blogging.
I went to a Catholic grade school. Plaid jumpers for the K-4 girls, and once you got to the "big kids" side of the school (5-8), it was skirts. Of course, in K-4, it was the jumper, Peter Pan collared white button down blouse, knee high white (or navy) socks, and brown penny loafers. Oh so color coordinated, considering the uniforms were a nice combo of green and NAVY blue, with yellow and red "highlights".
I absolutely HATED those things. K-4 wasn't bad; we weren't old enough to know any better. However, we DID tend to pull down the top part of our jumpers, and tuck them into the skirt part so we'd look like the "big kids".
Once we got to 5th grade and could wear the skirts, a whole new world opened up. And by whole new world, I mean UMBRO shorts under the skirts. Oh, and the skirt had to be short enough (by rolling it at the waistband, of course) so the bottom of your Umbros peeked out from the bottom of the skirt.
Then there was the measuring...
I remember one teacher who would line the girls up as we came into class and make us kneel in a straight line on the floor. She would then go around with a ruler and measure how many inches our skirts were off of the floor. Any more than 3 inches, and we were told, "Unroll your skirt."
And that brings me to another thing I have to address with this post. EVERYONE knows, of course, that a large population of men have this "school girl" fantasy. Ya know, smokin' hot chick in a white blouse (wayyy too small for her, of course, and knotted at the midriff), itsy bitsy plaid skirt (cheekage hanging out is apparently a must), knee high white socks, and high heels. Oh, and pigtails are always an added advantage. Having gone to Catholic schools ALL MY LIFE, I can tell you that that just does NOT happen. And frankly, I find it kinda weird.
Kinky, but weird. (ha ha)
LOL. Your skirt looks almost identical to mine, but I think mine is still in FL. I'll have to check next time. By the way, I love that I'm not the only one who kept one uniform for old times' sake. :)
At least yours had some color! In gradeschool, mine was grey with just a hint of blue. It was the ugliest thing ever, but at least it didn't show dirt! I remember doing the tucking in of the top of the jumper to act like one of the big kids too! I don't know if I still have any of them, I think some went to my little sister as hand-me-downs, and one she has them, who knows where they will end up!
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