I am crazy.
Plain and simple.
"Why?", you ask.
I'll tell you.
4 a.m.: awakened to Dustin shouting, "F*CK!!! I'm late!!!" He was supposed to be in Hecker to meet his mom & shop w/ her. I couldn't go back to sleep, so after laying there for a bit, I said "F*ck it" and got up.
4:15 a.m.: left the apartment - after throwing on jeans, a sweatshirt, and ballcap.
4:20 a.m.: entered the mall parking lot. Crowded, but managed to get a spot only about 7 rows back from Penney's.
5:30 a.m.: left the mall. Shopping bags in hand. Aubrie's started...more for Dustin...
5:35 a.m.: realized Target didn't open until 6. Refused to stand in line wrapped around the building. Left scene of the madness.
5:45 a.m.: realized World Market didn't open until 7. Refused to stand outside in the cold (no line -yet) for over an hour. Looked at Toys 'R' Us next door...decided THAT stop could wait. Left scene of the emptiness.
5:55 a.m.: again uttered the infamous phrase, "F*ck it". Parked at Target and got in line...which by that time was to the BACK of the building.
6:35 a.m.: left Target. Shopping bags in hand. Aubrie's done...my new PJ pants look SUPER comfy...Amanda's started...
6:45 a.m.: again with the phrase. Got in line at World Market. Only 10 people deep at the time.
7:25 a.m.: left World Market. Extremely happy with my free monkey ornament. Itty bitty I figured they needed it more than me, so I'd step on the brake, give them a wave and a smile, and be on my own way.
8:00 a.m.: arrived home, showered, watched news, ate bagel.
9:00 a.m.: picked up mom at the house. Already on my 3rd soda of the day...This is going to get rough.
10:00 a.m.: left grandma's in the van - mom, me, Aunt Patty, and grandma.
(Time started running together shortly after that...)
Hit the mall in Fairview Heights, Pier One, then McD's for lunch. Nobody but me seemed to be in a shopping-y mood. Hit Jan's Hallmark in Belleville, then the craft show at the fairgrounds.
Pizza, hot wing dip, and other snacks at grandma's. Wii time for the family - too entertaining. Dustin and I left close to 10 p.m.
(BTW, I impressed even myself bright and early this morning when I found myself...*gulp*...chipper. I did not ONCE engage in any act of road rage, even though people were driving like complete MORONS at 4 a.m. I just figured they needed it more than I did, and I wasn't in a super hurry to get anywhere. I smiled and waved. I chatted people up in lines and wished everyone a great day. The END of my day / afternoon / evening was a slightly different story, but we won't go into that. :-)
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