Tuesday, June 27, 2006

what i like about my job

1 - I can wear minimal make-up and not be made to feel "low class" or "ugly".
2 - I can wear my hear in a ponytail and no one tells me how I should "style" it.
3 - Three words: Scrubs and Tennies.
4 - I get to interact with more than 8 people per day...on a face-to-face basis.
5 - I don't feel pressure to be a "diet queen".
6 - Everyone is super supportive and helpful, more than willing to answer my questions.
7 - I don't dread going in to work every morning...
8 - ...nor do I come home and take out my day on Dustin.
9 - I feel like I've learned more in a month and a half than I did in 4 years somewhere else.
10-I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

This doesn't correspond to my job at the doc office, but I chatted with someone today and was disappointed (not to mention more than a little hurt) to find out what was said behind my back in the past and recently. Then I realized that that kind of crap went out with kindergarten, and I was over it as quickly as I'd been told about it...
"Cats" rehearsals are going well, and we had a kick-ass music rehearsal on Sunday. I think everything is coming together very well, whether slowly or not. But it is defintely surely. I get goosebumps at some rehearsals, and I feel more confident in this show than I think any others I have been in in the past. Joie's a different type of director than I've ever worked with, but awesome and superb nonetheless. This is a show I've always wanted to do, but never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would actually get to do it. What an experience that I don't want to end.

Friday, June 23, 2006

i just have to brag

I just have to take a minute to brag about and thank my husband. I've been SUUUUPER stressed out lately, as many of you with whom I chat know. Feelings of anxiety and overwhelming-ness have been hitting me all at once lately, it seems, and they kinda crashed in on me all at once last night. So I cried. I bawled my eyes out, didn't want to get off of the bed, and definitely didn't want to drag my sorry ass to rehearsal. BUT...even though it's caused some rifts in the past (the whole theatre thing), my husband lay on the bed with me and just held me while I sobbed. He got me up off of my ass and told me to go to rehearsal. So I went. And I just had to thank him because it was exactly what I needed. I love you Dustin.