Life musings, off-the-wall subjects, and serious cases of "open mouth, insert foot".
Monday, April 30, 2007
Cards Game the RIGHT Way...
1. Leave at 6:10 p.m. to head downtown and enjoy Cards / Cubs game w/ 3 of your girlfriends. 2. Enjoy each other's company, watch a little bit of the game, and gossip. Begin drinking immediately. 3. Starting in the 8th inning, walk aimlessly around Busch Stadium, getting kicked out of every standing area because "You can't stand there, ladies." 4. Receive phone call from husband asking if the game is over yet. Tell him your boyfriend Scott Spiezio is up to bat, and that you'll call after the game. 5. Sneak down to field level, behind Cubs dugout, to find friend's husband. 6. Stop to chat with another friend you run into while down at field level. 7. Exit the Stadium and begin the short walk to Paddy O's. 8. Drink and dance. 9. Exit Paddy O's and begin the short walk to Hrbosky's. 10. Drink and dance. Laugh at girl passed out on toilet in stall. 11. Exit Hrbosky's and begin the not-so-short walk to Mike Shannon's. Hear announcement that "Anthony Reyes is tending bar!" and don't believe it. 12. Drink and dance. Find out that Reyes is, indeed, tending bar, and let jaw hit the floor. 13. Tour Mike Shannon's VIP areas & take crappy camera phone pictures, thanks to friend's friend, the nice police officer. 14. Drink and dance some more. Realize Reyes has a new friend helping him tend bar...Josh Hancock. Let jaw hit floor yet again. Drool, if you so desire. Laugh at way too desperate girls lunging across bar to get a piece of the boys. 15. Get ride from nice police officer to car, while at the same time receiving angry phone call from husband: "Where the fuck are you???"
Oops. :)
P.S. The hubby isn't mad anymore--I can understand his point, considering he went to bed at 10:30, then woke up at 2 a.m. to find that I wasn't in bed, nor had he heard from me since 9:15. Sorry honey!!! Love You! :)
Ok, I've promoted it much already on myspace, but I'm pushing even harder now: "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" this weekend at Bishop DuBourg High School. Tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are just $10 for adults.
I had the pleasure of seeing it last night, and was thoroughly entertained. It was obvious the kids had worked their asses off, the voices were all very good, and you could tell each and every student on the stage was having the time of his / her life. Costumes were bright and colorful, just as the costumes for "Joseph" should be; however, they were still simple and not distracting. There were also several--LOTS, actually!--of new faces, which is always a good sign.
The band was right on; there are always snafus, as such in musical theatre, but they were only really noticeable to me because I can sing this entire show in my sleep!
My only problem was the lights. I'm sorry to anyone I offend, but several of us were ready to come up into the light booth and take over last night. The only redeemer is that it was opening night, and that's usually when the snags take place. The rumor I overheard was that light cues weren't written down at tech, and I hope for the light crew's sake that isn't true. I just hope Jim isn't TOO hard on them. I also hope they get it completely together by at least Sunday. It's too good of a show to be distracted by false light cues, or ones that are missed entirely. I know it's a hard job; I've run light boards in shows before and wouldn't necessarily do it again unless I absolutely had to. It's not the most desirable job in theatre (at least for me), but just focus and do your best.
On the whole, I have to say that productions like this one make me proud and happy to call myself a Guildo. Alumni or not, once a Guildo, always a Guildo. I tout this group so much it's ridiculous, and I'm sure people get tired of hearing about it, but it is the most like a family out of any theatre group I've ever worked with. Period. As much of a sap as I am, I have to admit it makes me teary eyed to go back and see shows at DB. That's mainly because I still know a handful of students involved, and they are all family. Also, I remember what it was like, standing up on that stage for the first time as a sophomore in highschool. And, for what I thought was the last time as a senior in highschool. I've made some of my best memories in that theatre, memories that will last me an eternity.
Sr. Barbara put it perfectly in her email this morning: "Thanks for suggesting our going, MaryBeth. The upbeat feeling of the whole production seemed to stand for all that is best about Bishop DuBourg: enthusiasm, community, hard work, joy. Isn't it good to be a part of it?Thanks, Jim, to you and your cast and crews. Barbara"
I have to say thanks also, just for creating such a wonderful world away from school that so many students over the decades have called home for 4 years of their lives. And, to those of us like me, who still can't get away from it...because we simply don't want to.
Wow, I haven't posted in quite some time. And I return with a vengeance, nonetheless... What is the big deal about sushi??? Is it supposed to be like the "cool people" food or something? People, sushi = raw fish. Raw = not cooked, which I personally take to = NOT GOOD. Not good for you, furthermore. Yuck. I don't know why I have this personal vendetta against sushi, but I just don't see how anyone can stomach it. *shivers* YOU, sir, can go to hell. We're supposed to be such great friends, yet you seem to have been snubbing me for the past several months. Yea, that's how long it's been since we've actually talked. Sure, I "chatted" with you on the phone one night, but I felt like I was pulling teeth to get any kind of conversation out of you, so I gave up. Grow some balls; if you're going to be my friend, then fucking act like it. If not, just tell me. And then get bent. And YOU, sir, need to fucking grow up. When you are in my home, you treat me with respect. I don't care if I'm only a few years older than you; you are a GUEST in MY HOME, and you shall act like such. I don't care how "cute" or "funny" you think you're being, you do NOT under any circumstances speak to me in the manner with which you currently do. I don't appreciate it, and I'm NOT going to tolerate it for very much longer.