So. After an emergency appendectomy on the 18th, followed by a week and a half off work, I'm back to the grind tomorrow. I followed up with a surgeon yesterday, and the doc finally released me to be "normal" again. The three incisions (above the pubic bone, below the belly button, and the mid right side of my stomach) are healing just fine and aren't infected, but the bruise around my belly button looks like a bright yellow-green sun. I still am having some pain to the left of my belly button, which I think has come from either "stuff" shifting around inside, or overusing my stomach muscles and not getting in / out of bed properly. (a.k.a., I haven't been rolling to my side like a beached whale, then pushing up onto my elbow, as instructed by the nurses.) Not to mention, I can't wear normal clothes. Anything that is not completely elasticized in the waist is not possible. Basically, if it has to be buttoned or zipped, and can't be sagged down to my crotch, I can't wear it. Looks like I'll be wearing a dress tomorrow and Friday...which is jeans day. :-( Eh, what can you do, though?
Thanks to everyone who sent flowers / cards, called, emailed, and just checked in on my recovery and well-being. It's all so much appreciated, and I love each and every one of you.
Thanks to my mom, who sat with me a couple days when Dusty had to work, kept me company, and laughed at me when I showed her my impeccable skill of picking things up off the floor with my toes. (Since I couldn't, and still can't, bend over.) She also became my "gardener", and took care of the jungle of flowers and plants that were on the island. :-)
Thanks to my dad, who came over and watched an DVD of converted old family reels, and was too chicken sh*t to check out my bandaged incisions. He also struck well on a lottery ticket, and contributed to the "Stacey's impending hospital bill" fund.
AND to Dustin, my loving, wonderful, "man slave" of a husband. He waited on me hand and foot, always made sure I had everything I needed, and ensured that I was comfy. He took care of me completely, picked up extra chore duty, and basically told me to "get over" the fact that I couldn't do anything for myself and was just going to have to live with it, rather than push it and make things worse. (In a completely loving way, of course.) Love you, honey. :-)
I'll tell you what. I wouldn't wish the pain before the appendectomy, the surgery itself, or the recovery period on anyone. But with friends and family like I have, they all contributed to make it at least more bearable. I love you guys.