Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things I Learned While in KC - for 4 hours.

1. Big, for real truck stops have showers in them. And washers and dryers. And a TV lounge…where, apparently, they have Christian mass services at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

2. Speaking of trucks. Big semis. Over the road drivers need to learn how to PAY ATTENTION. We saw I don’t know how many near-misses when a semi changed lanes and did NOT pay attention to the car / van it was almost running off the road or just plain plowing into.

3. TWO sports stadiums sharing one parking lot is God’s gift to the sports fan. Catch a Chiefs game one night, camp out in the lot, catch a Royals game the next afternoon. Likely? Probably not. Ideal? Seriously.

4. Construction at above-mentioned sports stadiums = not cool for the tourist. Big bummer. Couldn’t get very close at all to EITHER stadium. Just means one thing…another ROAD TRIP this spring / summer to take in actual games!!!

5. Even though I haven’t done it in AGES, any mall that has an ICE SKATING RINK outside, on its grounds, is ok by me.

6. I really love, love, LOVE the Wizard of Oz. (Ok, so slight obsession may be a more appropriate way to say it, but we all have our banes, don’t we?) My husband didn’t like when I said it, but someday, my collection may have to come close to Jane Albright status…

7. Fritz’s (located in the Crown Center Mall) is a REALLY cool concept for a restaurant. I mean, come on. Having your food delivered via electric trains that run along the ceiling, then lowered to your table on your own personal platform?? Just plain COOL. The food, however, not so good. Big disappointment. But worth it for the delivery system…and the chocolate shakes!

8. Crown Center = more restaurants & eateries than actual WORTHWHILE shops. Some, tooo overpriced…some just pointless.

9. I really, REALLY hope the police caught that guy driving the Trailblazer on highway 70. He could have killed someone. And, guy driving Trailblazer on highway 70, if you happen to come across my blog, just know I’m giving you the finger. A huge, waving middle finger right there in front of your computer screen. (Yea, I have road rage sometimes…but this guy was playing Pacman on the highway…it was terrifying and dangerous, and we had to call highway patrol on his ass.)

10. Speaking of highway 70, I have never seen SO MANY porn shops along a highway before! Once you REALLY get out onto 70 – past Wentzville, etc. – there are spots where there are anywhere between 3 and 5 porn shops just lined up, right off the highway. Bizarre. I mean, does someone driving along just all of the sudden think, “Man, I really need to stop and buy some porn! Well would you looka there?! Someone just KNEW I would be thinking that and set up some oh-so-convenient stops for me on my journey!!”

11. It wasn’t a Jamaican vacation, or anything lavish (not counting gas, we spent a grand total of $50 – on food & a Wizard of Oz piece I had to have), but it sure was fun. We talked NON STOP the entire way there and back, and laughed, and bonded, and just had an all around GREAT time!!! I can’t wait to do it again.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

the obsession continues...

Dustin actually has a Saturday off for once, so we decided we must do something FUN! and EXCITING! and DIFFERENT! We're taking a day trip to Kansas City, somewhere neither of us has been. Not far, I know, but a nice little jaunt together. So what are our big plans while we're there?


And this.

Aaand, not to mention, this. Hence the continuing obsession, and the main reason we decided on KC as our destination. (Actually, I threw it out there, and Dustin somewhat begrudgingly agreed. Begrudgingly only because, during & after doing the show, I may have kinda sorta rammed a LOT of Wizard of Oz down his throat in a small amount of time. Hm.)

Anywho. Our plan is pretty much to go up there with not a whole lot of money in our pockets, check things out, eat, take lots of pictures, and sprint on back home that night. We'll have to cram a LOT into one day / evening, but I'm so incredibly excited!! Really. It's the little things that amuse me. :-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

wish I had some marshmallows...

Dad was nice enough to bring me to work this morning. My little Cavalier doesn't handle the snow & ice very fact, she hates it. As do I. I get all panicky and nervous driving in this crap - ugh.

Anywho. Since I'm here an hour early, I made myself some hot chocolate. And started thinking...

HOW on Earth does this stuff taste so good??? It's hot, chocolate-flavored WATER. Couldn't I get the same effect if I melted down a Milky Way and poured it into a mug of hot water?

Hm. Just the same. Wish I had some marshmallows to go with it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

weekend and a casting call

The “To Do” list I blogged on Friday seems to be going well – I accomplished quite a bit this weekend. Stories have been scanned & emailed to Christy, books were dropped off at St. John’s high school, drinks and fun were had Saturday night, inauguration blog is up, and the wedding scrapbook is actually almost complete! Oh, and did I mention I stood in line for a chance at becoming an extra in Clooney’s movie?

I arrived at Crestwood Mall…excuse me, Court…about 9:35 a.m. To my surprise, the line wasn’t outside and down the sidewalk like I thought it would be. I parked by the movie theatre and walked in, directed by the signs.
It was like a ghost town in there…until I turned the corner to head toward Chevy’s.
I looked to my right and saw the line, so I immediately jumped in and prepared myself for the long wait ahead of me. Only a few moments passed when a mall security man asked if I had a blue ticket. He then told me they were only letting people with blue tickets into that line…THE line…and directed me to ANOTHER line, across the way, that I would have to stand in to receive said blue ticket. After about an hour, a man in a suit came around and started shouting, “I’m going to give everyone a white ticket. This white ticket means you have to come back at 12:30, form the line again beginning in that corner (where Dillard’s used to be, near Chevy’s), and get your blue ticket. Once you have that blue ticket, you will be allowed in the line that leads to meeting with the extras casting directors.”
I took my ticket, pocketed it, and looked at my phone. It was only 10:30 a.m. What to do in a mall that has practically NO stores anymore, for TWO. WHOLE. HOURS. Food first, then some walking, no shopping, talking to people from the Royal Dumpe Dinner Theatre Troupe, and snapping a few pictures. I decided, about 11:15 a.m. to head home for a bit, then come back at my “call time”.

Needless to say, I started scrapbooking once I got home and lost track of time. So I didn’t get back up there. Once I realized my mistake, I was kinda pissed at myself, but put my information into an envelope and immediately stuck it in the mail. Turns out, all the tickets were given out by noon anyway. So I probably wouldn’t have gotten one.

I’m sure my chances of hearing anything are very slim to none, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed anyway!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


As promised - albeit late - my thoughts on the inauguration. Many people I'm sure have covered this, and everyone has their soapbox. So why should I be any different? I always feel the need to voice my opinion, so here I go again.

I've never been one for politics, which I‘m sure you all know. I've never watched an inaugural address all the way through. I vaguely remember watching the oath-takings of Clinton and Bush, but clicked off before the actual speeches.

Truth be told, I never really CARED before. But with the historical significance of this particular election / inauguration, I found myself tuning in more and more, paying attention, actually REALLY rooting for one particular candidate. I found myself realizing that things COULD REALLY CHANGE. But for the better.

You all also know by now, I'm an Obama supporter.

I find myself wondering if my parents had the same kinds of thoughts in past years when they voted or watched the inaugurations: the person who is chosen as president is someone about whom my children will one day learn.

Not only will my children learn that Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States; they will also learn the other historical significance. That of him being the first African American President.

They will learn about other African Americans who helped pave the way in the hopes that a day like this would eventually be possible. They will learn that these peoples’ hopes, dreams, and wishes were NOT out of their reaches. It took years and years for them to come to fruition, but it was not all in vain. Given the past, many older generations of African Americans did not think they would live to see this day. And, sadly, many did not.

In my opinion, it was a day to be proud. Not only for those of African American descent, but for all Americans in general. Though the hatred of racism still exists in our nation to this day, baby steps have been taken along the way to overcome it. This was not only a huge step in the right direction; it was a giant leap.

Dr. King said, “I have a dream…that a man shall one day be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.” That hour, that time, that day, is here. In a previous post, I mentioned that many people would not vote for Obama because of the color of his skin. And Joan quickly pointed out that there would also be people who “DID and WILL vote for him because of the color of his skin.” I agree. But I think that shows a lot. I think it shows that people listened to him. REALLY listened to his words: “It’s time for a change.” Not only is it time for a change in our economy and in our government, but it’s time for a change in which we view people. Mainly, the color of his skin will have no bearing on the things that he hopes to accomplish while in the White House.

I believe that President Obama will lead this nation in the right direction. I am not so foolish to believe that it will all happen overnight. It will take time. Maybe even years. But I believe that he will inspire us to come together as a nation. To “pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off.”

I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: I have more hope for my own future, my unborn children’s’ futures, and the future of the entire United States, than I think I ever have.

Obama’s inaugural address gave me goose bumps. Watching it, I was enthralled. And I kept thinking to myself, “I am witnessing history.” And, one day, I can tell my children that I was sitting in Katie’s office at work, huddled around her computer, watching it unfold before me, thanks to the wonderful technology of the internet and streaming live video.

Obama’s speech inspired me. I may not be able to change the world, but if I can impact or influence just ONE person to view things differently, in a better light, than I feel as if I’ve made a contribution to society. It may just be a ripple in the pond, but by God, it is something.

“The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.” (President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address; January 20, 2009)

I couldn’t agree more.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Things I Plan to Accomplish This Weekend.

(Or at least within the next week...don't want to stress myself out TOO much!)

1. Remember to get old highschool stories out of "archive" to scan & email to Christy on Monday.

2. Stand in line (probably for hours, probably in the cold) for a chance to be an extra in Clooney's movie. (Keep your fingers crossed for me, y'all!)

3. Move DVD rack in the living room about 4 inches to the left. (The new photo collage above it is NOT CENTERED above the rack. It will be quite an undertaking - take off ALL the movies, move the damn thing, and re-fill the shelves - but I like symmetry.)

4. Go through closet...YET AGAIN...and see what I can donate.

5. Take pictures of basketball hoop and post on ebay, craigslist, etc. (Picture one of those arcade-esque basketball hoops - it plugs in and everything. We have one. Anyone interested in purchasing?) (Dustin, if you're reading, you told me I could!)

6. Cart old, unwanted books to St. John's Sunday afternoon for sale at the flea market.

7. Convince Dustin to remove gray plastic video game rack from living room... (Again, Dustin, if you're still reading...hi, honey!)

8. Make time for some drinks and fun with friends at our local, favorite "watering hole".

9. Blog my thoughts on the inauguration.

10.Get out and take some pictures.

11. FINALLY start on the wedding scrapbook...4 years after the fact...

12.Welcome my brother home from his trip to Michigan!!! (He's been gone since last weekend, should arrive home sometime tomorrow. Never thought I'd miss the little booger as much as I have...)


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It was somewhat forgotten about - I didn't finish the list out before 2008 came to an end. So, in celebration of having only FOUR colors left, I'm doing a mish mash random post here!
We have here my personal favorite representation of the color FOREST GREEN:

Did you know that the CORNFLOWER (the actual plant itself) is among the few "blue" flowers that are truly blue? Most "blue" flowers are actually a darker blue-purple. It's so pretty:
Sticking with flowers...GOLDENRODS are a beautiful color, but they look like they'd be HELL on allergy sufferers:

PUCE, according to Wikipedia, "is a color that is defined as ranging from reddish-brown to purplish-brown, with the latter being the more widely-accepted definition found in reputable sources." To me, it's like a lighter shade of mauve. Or at least similar.
I couldn't really find a pretty or interesting picture of something puce-colored, however.
So, I'm done with colorblogging, yay! It took me a lot longer than I thought it would, and there were some LAME ASS posts involved (like this one) that took little to no thought. But, I said I would finish, and I did!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Saw this on another blog, and found it pretty apropos, considering the master "purger" that I am. Entertaining as well. AND helpful, for those of you who aren't quite ready to part with that something or other doo hickey just yet. (My oh-so-helpful two cents' worth can be found in parenthesis.)

56 Things You Can Toss Out Now
by Christine Kane
Here are 56 things you can toss out (or give away) right now...
1. All the hotel key cards you forgot to turn it when you checked out. (I don't travel, so lucky for me!)

2. The doilies your Aunt Missy crocheted 45 years ago that got handed down to you. (Personally glad I am able to say "no" when offered doilies.)

3. CD's you haven't listened to in three years or more. (Hm. Considering my CD player in my car has been in un-working order for at LEAST 2 years, that could almost apply to me. Not happening.)

4. The boxes of cassettes you've been meaning to transfer to CD's.

5. The bread maker you haven't used since 2003.

6. Your wedding dress.
NOTE: You can say you've been saving it for your daughter, but here are three signs that your daughter doesn't want to wear it: a] she's already married and wore her own dress, b] she's been roommates with a woman named Pat for nine years, or c] you don't have a daughter.
(GOOD call on the wedding dress one. I paid the $100 something to have mine cleaned, pressed, preserved, and wrapped up nicely in a pretty...albeit And it's been sitting in my closet collecting dust for almost 4 years now. Really. What am I ever going to do with it? Not like I'll forget what it looked / looks like.)

7. Credit card bills from 1995. (I keep back 2 years. Max.)

8. The Allen wrenches from every piece of IKEA furniture you ever assembled.

9. The jacket you spent way too much money on and never wore.
NOTE: Keeping it around just to punish yourself for your bad choices is like going to parochial school all over again.

10. Every scratching post or toy your cat doesn't like.
NOTE: Your cat didn't go to parochial school so there's no sense punishing him.

11. House plants you no longer love.

12. The stacks of O Magazine you swear you'll re-read. (Magazines get read and pitched. Unless there's a FABULOUS article I just have to keep. Those get ripped out and...piled in a drawer. Will get on those eventually...)

13. Every little zippy bag that came with a Clinique purchase. (Ooh. Not with Clinique, but I'm bad about this. I have so many little zippy bags. I know what's going when I get home...)

14. Every unopened perfume that came with a Clinique purchase.

15. Leftover scrunchies in case you grow your hair long again.

16. The "Cherries Jubilee" flavored lip balm that makes you nauseous.

17. Every single regretful lipstick color you bought on a whim. ("Cherries Jubilee" is probably there, too.)

18. Your last four cell phones and all their chargers and blue teeth.

19. Single socks. (Do socks w/ holes in them fall under this category? Good about pitching the husband's holey socks, but mine "can be fixed"! Oy vay.)

20. The Spode Christmas plates and mugs you don't like. (Along with the Christmas bath towels and welcome mat.)

21. The framed posters you had in your college dorm room. (aka, Why the Scarface Poster is no Longer Hanging in the Buescher Living Room.)

22. Old stereo wires.
NOTE: If your husband refuses to let go of any of these mysterious wires, try this: Put them (not him!) in a bin and label it "Random Cables and Wires." After two years, bring it out of storage and kindly note that no one has thought about it in two years. Ask if it would be okay to let go of half of them. Repeat process until all mysterious cables and wires are gone.
(This WAS a battle!!! FINALLY got the husband to agree, once he realized some of the wires went to things he no longer owned, or hadn't been used for any reason in over 4 years...)

23. The nails, screws, anchors, and cup hooks rusting in the bottom of your tool chest.

24. Remote controls that don't remotely control anything you own.

25. Lamps, toasters, blenders, coffeemakers that no longer work.

26. The notion that you will ever be one of those moms that makes beautiful scrapbooks.
NOTE: Put your photos in boxes. No one will judge you.
(Wouldn't say mine are beautiful, but I do scrapbook. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to them - aka, Wedding Scrapbook which is almost 4 years late - but I DO do them.)

27. Old blankets and linens you keep in case you suddenly have 27 sleepover guests. (AND old pillows...)

28. College text books. (I still have all my text books that pertain to anything theatre or creative writing.)

29. Any boring decorative item that does little more than fill space. (Yea, I do this periodically. And look at it like, "Why on EARTH did I EVER buy that???")

30. Vases you don't love or use. (Like the 8 that are in one of my kitchen cabinets??)

31. Candle holders you don't love or use. (I'm beginning to realize I HAVE to quit buying PL items unless necessary for the shows...)

32. Picture frames you don't love or use. (Part of my upcoming "project"! More on that later.)

33. Class notes from college.

34. The idea that you have to save every piece of your children's artwork and school work because it might mean you don't love them if you don't.

35. The "good silver" you don't use that was passed down to you.

36. Old VHS movies. (But what if I don't want to rebuy them all on DVD??)

37. Unlabeled VHS tapes. (And don't waste your time watching them just in case.)

38. The stationary bike that got even more stationary after you got it.

39. The fabric pieces you've been collecting in case you ever become a quilter. (ha ha, NEVER gonna happen. That's my mother's room. But, she actually is a quilter...)

40. Flashlights that dimly light up only after you bang them over and over on your thigh. (When you have a freakin' MAG LIGHT in the closet that has NEVER had batteries!!! I need to get on that, too...)

41. Old keys that open some door somewhere in the past.

42. Suitcases you don't use. (I may eventually, though, right??)

43. Old computers. (Done. Thank GOD.)

44. Old stereos.

45. Promotional duffel bags with ugly logos and bad acronyms stitched all over them. (Yep, I'm cleaning my closet when I get home...)

46. Anything that makes you say, "But I got such a good price on it!"

47. Anything that makes you say, "But I paid so much for it!"

48. Half-full cans of paint.

49. Extra baby items/Old baby items.

50. Record albums.
NOTE: Don't spend your extra hours in a day trying to figure out if someone will buy them. Really. They won't.

51. Gifts you never liked.

52. All the cross-stitch, knitting, or sewing projects you never finished. (Again, thank GOD I can't sew to begin with.)

53. Any glassware or dinnerware that is a "memorabilia" item from proms or sororities or sports events. (I could probably handle doing this. Some of 'em are kinda nasty looking anyway.)

54. Old information packets you no longer need or that you can easily find on line. (Oh boy do I have a ton of these...)

55. All the hotel soaps that you took with you. And stop taking them. You've got plenty of soap! (What about all the freebie samples I've been acquiring? I do at least use those. So much toothpaste that, even with brushing as I'm supposed to, I haven't had to buy toothpaste in over 2.5 months!!!)

56. The belief that you only have to go through the de-cluttering process once and won't ever have to do it again. (I'm kinda crazy, but I do it at LEAST once a month. Usually twice.)

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it: Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her 'LiveCreative' weekly ezine with more than 4,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative at

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm ashamed...

I could talk movies for hours. I LOVE movies. After the discussion tonight at the SAT dinner, I decided I would look up the AFI (American Film Institute) list of 100 Greatest Movies of All Time. You know, to see how I rank. I'm ashamed to say that, out of 100, I have not even seen HALF. I've bolded the ones I have seen all the way through - seeing "some of it here and there" just doesn't count. Ladies and gentlemen, I need to be schooled. I think it's time to put the Blockbuster rental card to better use than mindless comedies and chick flicks. It's time for me to watch some REAL. FILMS.

1. Citizen Kane (1941)
2. The Godfather (1972) - dig it
3. Casablanca (1942)
4. Raging Bull (1980)
5. Singin' in the Rain (1952) - haven't seen the whole thing all the way through
6. Gone with the Wind (1939) - LOVE it
7. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
8. Schindler's List (1993) - every person should have to watch this movie
9. Vertigo (1958)
10. The Wizard of Oz (1939) - I don't even need to go into my obsession of this movie...
11. City Lights (1931)
12. The Searchers (1956)
13. Star Wars (1977) - YES.
14. Psycho (1960)
15. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
16. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
17. The Graduate (1967) - another "not all the way through"
18. The General (1927)
19. On the Waterfront (1954)
20. It's a Wonderful Life (1946) - call me whatever you like, but I LOATHE this film
21. Chinatown (1974)
22. Some Like It Hot (1959)
23. The Grapes of Wrath (1940) - long. Boring.
24. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - *insert smiles here*
25. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) - read and re-read the book dozens of times, but have not seen the entire film
26. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
27. High Noon (1952)
28. All About Eve (1950)
29. Double Indemnity (1944)
30. Apocalypse Now (1979)
31. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
32. The Godfather Part II (1974)
33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
- Jack in some of his finest work
34. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
35. Annie Hall (1977)
36. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
37. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
38. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
39. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
40. The Sound of Music (1965) - another that I strongly dislike
41. King Kong (1933)
42. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
43. Midnight Cowboy (1969)
44. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
45. Shane (1953)
46. It Happened One Night (1934)
47. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) - "STELLLLLAAAAA!!!" Gotta see it...
48. Rear Window (1954)
49. Intolerance (1916)
50. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - thanks to Jeremy for "forcing" me to watch 'em all
51. West Side Story (1961)
52. Taxi Driver (1976)
53. The Deer Hunter (1978)
54. M*a*s*h (1970)
55. North By Northwest (1959)
56. Jaws (1977)
57. Rocky (1976)
58. The Gold Rush (1925)
59. Nashville (1975)
60. Duck Soup (1933)
61. Sullivan's Travels (1958)
62. American Graffiti (1973)
63. Cabaret (1972)
64. Network (1976)
65. The African Queen (1951)
66. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
67. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
68. Unforgiven (1992)
69. Tootsie (1982)
70. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
71. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
72. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
73. Butch Caddidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
74. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
75. In the Heat of the Night (1967)
76. Forrest Gump (1994)
77. All the President's Men (1976)
78. Modern Times (1936)
79. The Wild Bunch (1969)
80. The Apartment (1960)
81. Spartacus (1960)
82. Sunrise (1927)
83. Titanic (1997)
84. Easy Rider (1969)
85. A Night at the Opera (1935)
86. Platoon (1986) - haven't seen all of it
87. 12 Angry Men (1957)
88. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
89. The Sixth Sense (1999)
90. Swing Time (1936)
91. Sophie's Choice (1982)
92. Goodfellas (1990)
93. The French Connection (1971)
94. Pulp Fiction (1994) - all but the end when the DVD quit working!!!
95. The Last Picture Show (1971)
96. Do the Right Thing (1989)
97. Blade Runner (1982)
98. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
99. Toy Story (1995)
100. Ben-Hur (1959)

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's that time again...

For movie reviews! Yay!! These ones, however,'ll see...

The Strangers
(Scott Speedman, Liv Tyler)
A young couple staying in an isolated vacation home are terrorized by three unknown assailants.

--Liv Tyler. Just for the simple fact that she’s smoking hot and something good to look at in the movie.
--Scott Speedman. Again, a looker. And that’s about it.
--Creepiness factor - I’ll give it a 7. At least in the beginning. I‘m a chicken shit when it comes to horror movies anyway, but the first part did its job of keeping me on the edge of my seat. And squirming in uncomfortable fear.

--Fave quotes:
“Why are you doing this?“ “Because you were home.”

--It becomes a stereotypical horror film about halfway through. As I said above, the first part I felt was legitimately creepy. But after that, it was a typical slasher horror flick.

Consensus: I wouldn’t particularly bother with this one. Of course, you can always rent it, watch halfway through, turn it off, and then think of how a typical slasher horror flick ends: lots of blood, crazies, and death. Capiche?

(Kiefer Sutherland, Amy Smart, Mary Beth Peil)
An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home.

--Kiefer Sutherland. Because he’s sexy. And I like his voice. The way, when he speaks, he’s at normal volume, then slowly dips to a whisper. But I digress.
--If you’re into nudity (and Amy Smart), you’ll dig a quick little scene in the movie. Full butt. Side boob. Didn’t do anything for me, but you horny guys out there might use the “pause” button.
--Creepiness factor - I’ll give it a 9. Much like I said about “The Strangers”, it’s the beginning part of the movie that‘s super creepy. Again, being a chicken shit, it doesn’t take much in a horror film to scare me. However, I much prefer insinuations (doors opening and closing with no one around, odd noises that come from nowhere, and things that fuck with your - or the character’s - mind) to blood, guts, gore, monsters, etc. This movie definitely had the unseen factors going for it.
--Mary Beth Peil. She didn’t have a large role in the film, but was central to the plot and grand scheme of things. I recognized her voice once she came into play, but it wasn’t until I saw a clear shot of her that I knew who it was. “Grams” from “Dawson’s Creek”. I haven’t seen much that she’s in, but I think she’s a pretty good actress.

--Fave quotes:
“Don't be scared, mommy. He just wants to come play with us.”

--A death in the opening sequence was a bit overdone.
--And again, why must ALL horror films nowadays turn to the stereotypes??? I don’t want to give away the ending or too much of it, but towards the end, any hint of fear I felt quickly dissipated and I found myself sitting there just rolling my eyes and watching the clock.

Consensus: Yet another one I wouldn’t recommend. All I can say is thank goodness for the Blockbuster pass that gives us free rentals.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


SparkPeople is the website I have been / am using for my weight loss / healthier eating journey / goal. I know someone introduced this site to me last year, but I can't remember if it was Christy, or Joan, or someone else completely. I began half-heartedly last year, but quickly fell off the wagon. This year, I believe it's time to actually follow through instead of just bitching.


I HIGHLY recommend this site if you are looking to lose weight, or just lead a healthier lifestyle. It would take a while for me to explain ALL the benefits of the site and what it offers, so I'll just post the welcome message you receive when you sign up, then add my own little two cents' worth.

"Congratulations! You’ve taken a huge step by joining millions of other people who are trying to live healthier lives. SparkPeople has more tools, content, and community features than any other health website, so you may feel a little overwhelmed at first. That’s why we created this guide - to introduce you to your personalized program and help you start using the site’s tools and features.

1. Review your goals for nutrition, fitness and weight loss. (Your goals can range from losing weight by a certain date, to simply eating healthier, to making sure you get in 1/2 hour walk each day. It's completely up to you!)
2. Track your Fast Break goals to build momentum. ("Fast Break" is the first 2 - 3 weeks. This gives you plenty of time to get into the habit of entering your daily nutrition, browsing / getting used to the site, and gearing up to go full swing into a healthier way of living.)
3. Read the SparkDiet Overview to get started. (Lists and explains the 4 Spark Diet stages, and gives an overview of diets in general.)
4. Use the Nutrition Tracker to meet your nutrient goals. (I keep track of everything I eat, everyday. EVERYTHING. From bottles of water, to crackers, to full out meals. It's tough at first, but once you get used to it, it's SO helpful. Seeing exactly how many calories, fat grams, etc. I am eating per day is the slap in the face motivation I need to eat better.)
5. Log your workouts on our Fitness Tracker. (Ehh, I'm not so good at this one. "It's SUPER COLD outside!" is an excuse right now, but it's just that. An excuse. I love to walk and be outdoors, so when the weather is frigid, I don't have much motivation to do much of ANYTHING. But I have been getting myself to at least do steps here in the office building.)
6. Introduce yourself to our positive Community. (There are THOUSANDS of people using this website across the country. Even if you don't actually talk to any of them, reading others' stories and struggles can sometimes be motivation and support enough. Just knowing that, "Hey, I'm not the only one!")
7. Create your SparkPage and then make a blog post to tell others about you. (Like a myspace or facebook page, yes, but this one is a GOOD waste of time.)
8. Browse SparkRecipes for healthy meal ideas. (And there are some GOOOOOOD ones on there. I just discovered that section of the website yesterday, but I will definitely be making some of the meals...and blogging about how good they are, plus posting the recipes!)
9. Earn SparkPoints as you explore the site. (More motivation! You can earn points by reading articles, posting to message boards, etc. And then you can use those points to buy "presents" for yourself as a reward!)
10. Get helpful information from our Resource Centers. (They have resources and information on different aspects of healthy living, including but not limited to nutrition, fitness, and wellness.)

Check this site out. Even if you don't use it. But it's sooo worth it!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Year, (hopefully) new me.

I am finally tired of just sitting around b*tching, not doing anything about it. It's time, for me, to sh*t or get off the pot already.

I'm taking baby steps starting out. I LOVE fruits and vegetables, and "healthy" foods - some of them, anyway - so it's not a huge deal to me to EAT healthier. It's just actually getting into the HABIT of grabbing the carrot sticks instead of the cookies. Or remembering to pack a 100 calorie snack pack into my lunch bag, because I KNOW that, by 3:00, I'm going to be feigning for some sweets, and that pack of Oreos will look sooo good.

I'm also trying for smaller portion sizes - though that is HARD!

A friend of mine seems to think I should throw myself in head first and do it all at once: Give up the sweets! Exercise like a fiend! Only eat salads!

However, I know myself. I'd last a day. Maybe 2.

So for now, baby steps. I've done pretty well the past two weeks. I've already been drinking more water, limiting myself to ONE DIET soda per day, and cutting out the fast food. (We won't discuss last night's Sbarro's slice of cheese pizza and two breadsticks...) I'm also trying to make a conscious effort to keep track of the foods I eat, when I eat them, etc.

OF COURSE, this ALSO means I have to get off my lazy butt now and then. Which, again, I am trying to make a conscious effort to do. It's pretty cold here in St. Louis right now, and getting colder as the week progresses. I tried to take advantage of the 40 degree weather, and took a 15 minute walk on my lunchbreak. I also shopped after work, walking through West County Mall for a good half hour. It's the motivation that gets me, really. I love to jog - though I'm too out of shape to do that right now - and be outside; I just have to get myself up and moving. Then I'm fine. I've found that, with a camera in my hand, walks don't seem NEAR as long as they do w/out a camera.

Remember, baby steps here, people. Baby steps.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Iron Man quick review

Iron Man
(Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges)
When wealthy industrialist Tony Stark is forced to build an armored suit after a life-threatening incident, he ultimately decides to use its technology to fight against evil.

--Donwey, Jr. The past couple of movies in which I’ve seen him have made him climb my list of favorite actors. This movie’s no exception of showcasing his talent. His dryly sarcastic wit lent itself perfectly to the quick delivery of lines..
--The suit. Looks almost exactly like the comic book’s red & gold interpretation. Not to mention that the thing is just BITCHIN’.
--Gwyneth Paltrow. I like her to start off with, and she’s particularly smooth in this role. Her character toes the line of “personal assistant / I’m in love with my boss”.

--Fave quotes:
“So you're a man who has everything, but nothing.”
“I don't want to see this on your myspace page. Please no gang signs…No, throw it up. I'm kidding.”
“*They* say that the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once.”

--One scene in particular. A “prisoner” of sorts gets out of the cave to “distract” / keep the bad guys at bay. He comes out wielding a machine gun, and three bad guys (also armed with machine guns) turn and run from him. WTF??

Consensus: Buy it. I went in with low expectations, and any time Dustin suggested renting it, I gave one of three answers: “I don’t want to see it.“ “Not interested.“ “Eh, maybe some other time.” I should have watched the damn thing the first time he brought it up. Even if you don’t appreciate comic books and superheroes, I’m almost positive you’ll dig this movie.